Hello. It’s been a few months since my last update. Lots has happened, and the big news is that our new album Flux is finished and mastered. Its release date, last time I checked, is July 21, 1998. I’ll be sure to keep you informed here if that gets changed.
In other news, we had a great time onstage and off at the Los Angeles Projekt Fest show this past March. Thanks to those in attendance for making it the funnest show we ever had. And also thanks to Andrew Pluta of Arcanta and Rodney Rodriguez of the Von Trapps for joining on percussion and guitar respectively for this show. We hope to do more shows with the four of us, but I should say here and now that we will not be doing any of the Projekt Festival shows later this summer.

We have a new song on a new compilation put out by Pat Ogle’s (formerly of Projekt) new label Precipice Recordings. Our song, “Asleep,” can only be found on this compilation and will not be on our new album. Projekt is distributing this disc, so you can order it direct from them by calling 1-800-CD-LASER.