Enjoy this archive of magazine interviews in PDF format:
- Altered Mind: September 1992
- Isolation: February/March 1993
- As If: August 1993
- Fond Affexxions: October/November 1993
- Tear Down the Sky: 1993
- Danse Macabre: March 1994
- Fond Affexxions: January/February 1995
- Muse: February/March 1995
- Inkspots: April 1995
- The Ninth Wave: May 1995
- B-Sides: July/August 1995
- Carpe Noctem: 1995
- Requiem: 1995
- The Daily Freeman: November 6, 1996
- Mean Street: 1996
- Acoustic Guitar: March 1997
- Projekt Fest Guide: August 1997
- KUCI Program Guide: December 1997
- Keyboard: November 1998
- Fix: 1998
- Outburn: Janauary 1999
- Losing Today: September 1999
- Sony Soundbyte: December 1999
Band Quotes:
Check out a great collection of quotes from Ryan and Suzanne sourced from various interviews over the years at WikiQuote.org/LoveSpiralsDownwards