U.S. Avante Garde Duo To Play D.F.
By Jose Fernandez Ramos, The News Staff Reporter
Love Spirals Downwards is one of those alternative bands whose music tends to attract a cult following.
What has happened to this Los Angeles duo, featuring Suzanne Perry (vocals) and Ryan Lum (guitars, electronics), is interesting and sometimes funny.
“One time a magazine requested an interview thinking that we would have a lot to say about LSD, because of the band’s name.” Perry says. “When they found out we have never tried it they lost interest.”
Although many fans attribute the duo’s music with spiritual, mystic and even healing powers, and critics have labelled their work with adjectives as diverse as “dark ethereal,” “gothic,””dream pop,” “angelic,” “Avant Garde,” “ambient,” etc., this young duo put things very simply.
“We just compose music without any specific intention,”Lum says.

The couple talked to The News Wednesday at Museo del Chopo, the gothic museum where the band’s only show in Mexico will take place Thursday.
“We don’t consider ourselves typical musicians, so we don’t think and act as typical musicians.” Perry says. “Many people think music is something more than music, like money, fame, clubs, the industry. But we just like what we do, the way we do it.”
Love Spirals Downwards will share the space with Mexican duo La Divina Comedia (also a couple), which produces music very much in Spirals’ style.
The staples of the duo’s music are guitar lines distorted through electronic equipment for effects that often sound more like a synthesizer or keyboard. This surreol audio backdrop is complimented by Perry’s extraordinary soprano voice which has been honed to a finely funed instrument. However there is enough freedom and space for experimentation.
“We try to add new elements, sounds, and instruments every time,” Lum says.
With two succesful albums out — ”Idylls”(1992) and “Ardor” (1995)– through Projekt Records, and pieces on several compilation albums, the band is already working on the recording of a third work. Some of those new compositions will be premiered at the concert.
With its towering spires and stained glass, the Museo Del El Chopo seems a perfect atmosphere for such a performance.
“This is such a beautiful place, it makes me want to sing here by myself at night. I hope the birds sing here at night as well,” Perry said.
Music videos of similar vanguard styles will be shown before the live performance, and special stage and lighting designs will also form a part of the event, according to organizers.
“This is a cultural and aethetic event more than a show business thing,” organizer Arturo Saucedo said, “This is not money making or party time. We want to create a movement and an audience for this kind of show.”
Love Spirals Downwards know that they can become as big as any commercial mainstream band, “if we change our style,” they say. But they are not interested, claiming “we don’t do it for the money.” Their recording studio is at home, in the bedroom, where most of the composition also takes place.
Outside of a cult fan movement, irrespective of the labels placed on it, the music of Love Spirals Downwards is worth listening.