Category Archives: Audio

Smile – Single Out Now

Lovespirals 3-song single, ‘Smile,’ is out NOW on all digital platforms including SpotifyApple Music, Amazon Mp3, TidalYouTubeDeezer and Bandcamp. In addition to the brand new title track, ‘Smile’ features the moody song “Why Not Today,” that was previously only available on Bandcamp. All three songs continue the band’s tradition of working new influences into their signature dream pop sound. While a much lighter offering that 2018’s Life Goes On, there’s still a good deal of melancholy amidst the deceptively light, retro-esque, jazz and blues inflected indie pop tunes. Cover art by Tom Pathe, longtime friend of bandleader, Ryan Lum, and photographer for the 1992 debut album, Idylls.

Projekt ‘Excelsis ~ A Dark Noel’ Remastered Release

Projekt is set to release the first-ever vinyl reissue of their classic album, ‘ Excelsis ~ A Dark Noel.’ The most popular of the holiday themed various artist series, the original 1995 jewel box CD with 8-page booklet sold over 15,000 copies. This remastered album is currently available in a new six-panel digipak CD set and digital download with two versions of a 140g weight color vinyl LP coming in November. There is a choice of either Aqua with White Splatter vinyl or Orchid with Purple and Grey Splatter vinyl limited to just 300 copies each.

Ryan returned to the band’s original DAT tapes to find Love Spirals Downwards’ 1995 recording of the Dr. Seuss classic, “Welcome Christmas,” from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The band’s shoegaze dream pop rendition has long been a fan favorite, so it’s great to hear a remastered version all these years later.

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Tim, where are you now? CD & Digital Album

Projekt Records founder, Sam Rosenthal of Black Tape for a Blue Girl, just released a new album to commemorate what would have been Timothy Leary’s 100th birthday. Entitled Tim, where are you now?, this collaborative album features many special guests, including Lovespirals, Steve Roach, Erik Wøllo, Mike VanPortfleet of Lycia, Brian Viglione of The Dresden Dolls, Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Reggie Watts, and more. Be sure to check out “Starseed,” featuring classic ambient guitar leads from LSD band founder, Ryan Lum, as well as “PSY PHI love means High Fidelity” featuring both Ryan and Anji Lum alongside Byron Metcalf, Martin Bowes, and Rosenthal. Seems fitting to be part of an album dedicated to “the guru of LSD” created by the owner of the label that gave Love Spirals Downwards it’s start!

The CD is currently in preorder on Bandcamp, where you can alternatively purchase a digital download on the “Name Your Price” deal (meaning you can pay $0 if you want…), and it’s also available to stream on all digital platforms, including Apple MusicSpotify, and YouTube.

Ever Remastered Reissue on Apple Music & Spotify

The expanded remastered reissue of ‘Ever‘ is now available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify. It features 8 bonus tracks including 4 never before heard instrumentals, a super rare vocal electronica song, and a live recording from an appearance on KUCI.FM. You can also buy the Ever (Remastered Reissue from iTunes! In case you didn’t hear, you can also grab the Ever on Bandcamp.

Ever Remastered Reissue On Bandcamp

The long-awaited remastered and expanded reissue of our 1996 album Ever is now available on Bandcamp for digital download. This new version features amazing sound with better clarity and fidelity, and it’s twice the original length. It includes 22 tracks: 4 never-before-heard instrumentals, 3 cover songs (including our version of “Candle Song” by Mojave 3), a rare vocal electronica track called “Echoes,” and more. Even the artwork has been enhanced to highlight the beauty of this dreamy electro-acoustic album. You can read more about it on our album page.

“Slow, somber, and beautiful beyond reason, this LSD just might be the burgeoning leader of another full-on ethereal rock revival. Lie down and be counted with tracks like “Sideways Forest,” El Pedregal,” and “Delta.”

— M. Tye Comer, Associate Creative Director at Spotify

‘Of These Reminders’ Now On Bandcamp

Projekt has released the 1994 boxed set compilation Of These Reminders: A Tribute to Black Tape For A Blue Girl on Bandcamp. This is the first time the collection of cover songs, originally available only on CD and cassette, is available digitally. Love Spirals Downwards contributed two cover recordings to the 21-song set, distinct from the Black Tape cover included on their album Ardor. Excitingly, this release is being offered as “pay what you want,” allowing you to download it for free if you wish.!

Inspired by seeing Love Spirals Downwards’ perform a black tape for a blue girl song live, Sam asked other artists to contribute their interpretations to this one of a kind compilation. Fourteen artists from the Projekt roster, guest artists from America & Europe, and even fans who create music in their home studios come together with strikingly different and beautifully personalized renditions of black tape for a blue girl’s touching ethereal-goth sound.

— Projekt

This set is a triumph that goes beyond the scope of mere words. It should stand as one of the year’s best.


Temporal Compilation Now On Bandcamp – Limited CDs

TEMPORAL: A COLLECTION OF MUSIC PAST & PRESENT is now up on Bandcamp! 40 of the original Projekt Records year 2000 jewel case CDs are available, along with an official 1998 band PR black and white glossy. All CD sales also include an immediate digital download. The digital release features 3 BONUS TRACKS including the 2013 re-recording of “Mirror A Still Sky” previously posted to YouTube. This is the first time that ‘Temporal’ has been listed on Bandcamp, which means this is the first time that the high quality audio files have been available to collectors, as well.

“Whether you’re relaxing in the dark tranquility of post-first-date bliss, or are swimming in the nostalgia of love lost, this album will help you keep warm.” — Jeff Stringer, Borders ‘Inside Magazine’

“Life Goes On” Out on CD & Digital

After 6 years of hard work – and having experienced some of the most life changing years of my life – Lovespirals‘ 5th album is finally out. This one is dedicated to the fans of my earlier work from the Projekt Records years; you won’t be disappointed. Buy/stream/listen on all your favorite sites or buy it directly from us on our Bandcamp store. Limited edition 4-panel eco-wallet CDs with a matching pin are still available at the time of writing. You can also check out ‘Life Goes On’ via Pandora and give a thumbs up to your fave tracks!

“Stunning… Gorgeous… Some of Ryan Lum’s best work as a songwriter and musician.. Haunting and ethereal. Absolutely Anji Bee’s most nuanced vocals… beautiful and sultry.” — Matt Rowe, MusicTAP

Expanded “Sideways Forest” EP Out Now

For the first time ever, the 1996 ‘Sideways Forest Single’ is available digitally! This was the only CD-single ever released by Love Spirals Downwards, and while you can still find a few used copies of the CD online, it has been largely unavailable the past decade. In addition to the album mix from ‘Ever’, the ‘Quantum Remix’, and and b-side instrumental, “Amarillo,” this expanded reissue also features 2 bonus tracks: the recently unearthed “Acoustic Mix” created by Ryan in 1996 — PLUS a live version of the ‘Quantum Remix’ recorded at ProjektFest 1997. While the “Quantum Remix” was never released digitally, neither of these bonus tracks have been previously released in ANY format, making this a very special release. The cover artwork has been recreated with a slight update using the original photo taken by Barbara Dowis. The Sideways Forest EP is also available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.

Continue reading Expanded “Sideways Forest” EP Out Now

Love Spirals Downwards Live Album Out Now!

Love Spirals Downwards Live brings the past to the present, putting you front row and center at a signature LSD acoustic show. This compilation of rare live tracks, taken from several shows including the Projekt Festival (1997), the Troubadour (1995), and a living room concert recorded for Echoes on Public Radio International (1996), has been lovingly assembled to provide a seamless concert experience. This collection features previously unreleased live renditions of “Kykeon,” “Stir About the Stars” and a cover of “Tear Love From My Mind” by Black Tape for a Blue Girl, plus the 9 songs originally included on a super rare CDR back in 2001. Produced and mastered by Ryan Lum in 2014.

Digital album out now at Bandcamp for download in your choice or format. Also available for streaming on Spotify or Apple Music.