Category Archives: Band News

Isolation #13, February/March 1993

The following interview was done with Ryan of the Southern California ethereal band Love Spirals Downwards in late September 1992. Suzanne, the singer, wasn’t present during the interview because after she saw Ryan’s comments they covered “most everything she would also cover.” Love Spirals Downwards appeared on the infamous From Across This Gray Land No. 3 and their debut album will be out in December 92 on Projekt as well. I can’t wait because I know this band will be one of the best in the country.

Interview by Nathan Linscheid

Isolation: What bands were you in before Love Spirals Downwards?

Ryan: I was in several, but none which you would have heard of. Love Spirals Downwards was the first band I had in which I really thought that the music was exciting and original sounding I believe that all the different types of music that I have listened to throughout the years such as ethereal, ambient, East Indian Classical, psychedelic ’60’s, and tribal/percussive have been blended into our eclectic sound — though I’m not sure if you can hear all these things just from our two songs on Gray Land 3. Our CD/CS, Idylls, will have a more all-inclusive representation of our sound.

Continue reading Isolation #13, February/March 1993

The Altered Mind #12, Sept. 1992 Interview & Review

At our usual cozy interview spot, we spoke with new Projekt band Love Spirals Downwards’ only two members, Ryan and Suzanne. IT was the first interview ever from a band which has played just one live show. Uncertain as to their place in the scene but with a sound that leads the way, Love Spirals Downwards is a band to watch. Interview by Ariel and Aillinn.

Ryan: Is the whole interview like question and answer, or is it going to be more of an article?

AM: No, question and answer… Having heard only the two songs, “Mediterranea” and “Forgo” on [Projekt compilation] From Across This Gray Land No. 3, what can we expect from your album, which is due out in November?

Ryan: We’re mixing it right now. We just mixed the first three of the eleven or twelve songs. It will have a different feel than “Mediterranea” and “Forgo.” It’s more… what do you think? Trancey, Eastern.

Suzanne: We were a little reluctant to put those two songs on, when he [Projekt’s Sam Rosenthal] chose those two. Those are two of the three first songs that we ever sent him. They’re a little old. They’re about a year old. I guess the sound’s a little bit different [on the album]. It is a little more trancy, more Indian or Middle Eastern sounding.

Continue reading The Altered Mind #12, Sept. 1992 Interview & Review