
Ardor is the 1994 follow-up to Love Spirals Downwards’ critically acclaimed Projekt debut, Idylls. Dreamy and romantic, Ardor is rich in atmosphere with lush layers of ethereal guitar textures and jangly acoustic guitars, graced by some of the best vocal work of the era’s “Heavenly Voices” genre. Like standing under a waterfall: guitar trickles and swirls like a mist around you; as warm cascading female harmonies envelop you, washing you in beauty and melancholy.

Suzanne Perry and Ryan Lum once again create a world without boudaries… Seductive and sad, full of longing and lust, this album can’t help but satisfy your cravings for music that captivates with a hit of decay wafting about the edges. Like visiting ancient ruins on a sunny day, Ardor captures your imagination and it’s up to you what you let them do with it. My suggestion: surrender to them!

B-Side Magazine


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Ethereal Shoegaze and Electronica from Projekt Records and Chillcuts