
Love Spirals Downwards’ impassioned 1992 debut, Idylls, captured the hearts and minds of listeners worldwide with its lushly interwoven guitar textures and mysterious vocal stylings. Classic tracks such as “Scatter January” and “Love’s Labours Lost” are lyrically composed of nonsense sounds the duo devised to feign Middle Eastern and Roman languages, while songs like “This Endris Night” and “And the Wood Comes into Leaf” are reworkings of Middle English classics. “Stir About the Stars” and “Drops, Rain & Sea,” while in modern English, still leave quite a bit up to the imagination as far as meaning goes, which is exactly how the band prefers it.

Sumptuous acoustics, beautiful female voice, and sweet harmony rising to glorious heights. Thirteen angelic tracks tripping through peaceful illusions and fantasies, only briefly accessible in dream-soaked memories.

Music From The Empty Quarter

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