
Love Spirals Downwards existed before the invention of online social media, smart phones, pocket camcorders etc etc… Video played a much smaller role in indie band’s careers. People didn’t learn about music from YouTube or upload bootlegged concert videos to their Facebook pages. So precious little video evidence exists of the band, and what there is of it has not weathered the years well. But for what it’s worth, here are the videos we dug up from old VHS tape sources.

San Francisco State University made video for “Forgo”
with guest spots by Suzanne and Ryan

LSD perform “Love’s Labours Lost” acoustically at the
Museo Universitario del Chopo in Mexico City on 2/29/1996

LSD perform “Mercy” by Mojave 3 acoustically at
Museo Universitario del Chopo in Mexico City on 2/29/1996

Love Spirals Downwards Live 1996 from lovespirals on Vimeo.
Love Spirals Downwards performing at the Museo Universitario del Chopo in Mexico City on 2/29/1996. This is converted from an old VHS tape which had some audio drop outs and odd edits. We’ve added music to the first half, which used to be mostly silent, and created some ending credits. The songs that appear are: “Eudaimonia” (from ‘Idylls [Remastered Reissue]’, “Mercy” (a Mojave 3 cover), “Love’s Labours Lost” (originally from ‘Idylls’), and a very short clip of “Scatter January” (originally from ‘Idylls’).





Ryan jams live over “Nova” from the 25th anniversary remastered reissue of ‘Flux’
Ryan discussing the 25th anniversary ‘Flux Deluxe Edition’ digital release

4 thoughts on “Videos”

  1. I admireLove Spirals works. It is a relief to my art for my existence and my love. I hope one day watch a show you here in Brazil. I am also a filmmaker and one day I invite you to compose a soundtrack to a film of mine. Please, let me know when Love Spirals come to Brazil. Success always.
    This my another web site –

  2. One of the best music ever created but undiscovered during that period of time. I just somehow came across the music and poof, the rest was history. Until this very day, LSD continues to flow though my blood vessels and beats my heart. Thanks to Ryan and Suzanne for the wonderful memories. Love from Singapore!

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